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Motivational Speaker Justin Constantine Addresses How Technology Can Support Those Coming Home From Prison

Justin Constantine • April 15, 2021

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Community (DEI) Deservers Powerful Technology, and

JobPath is the Solution

If you focus on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), you are likely aware of the ever-growing challenges facing those coming home from prison and reintegrating back into their communities.  But for those not involved in the criminal justice community, you may be shocked at how many Americans actually have criminal records and are adversely affected by their interaction with the criminal justice system long after their  arrest.  Here are some quick statistics:

  1. Nearly 50% of black males and 40% of white males are arrested by the age of 23.
  2. There are about the same number of people with criminal records in America as there are with 4-year college degrees.
  3. Holding hands, Americans with arrest records could circle the earth three times
  4. he United States has 5 percent of the world's population but 25 percent of its prisoners.

The formerly incarcerated, both youth and adult, are rarely provided the same tools and resources as those who do not have that kind of history.  And that just is not fair.  There is no reason why we can't use powerful technology to support this disadvantaged population, as well as the organizations that support them.  Obviously, recidivism rates are drastically decreased when individuals are able to find fulfilling careers, and everyone deserves a chance to be contributing members of society and find their own success.

At JobPath, we are a technology platform that matches candidates from diverse backgrounds with jobs and careers.  We have already partnered with a number of nonprofit organizations that provide services to the DEI community, especially those with a particular focus on those coming home from prison.  In this short video, I discuss some of the technological tools and resources we provide, which are especially impactful in a COVID environment where so much has to be accomplished virtually.

Justin Constantine is an inspirational and motivational speaker who speaks (live and virtually) to companies, nonprofit organizations and universities of all shapes and sizes. He focuses on the power of change, teamwork, resilience, that it’s okay to ask for help, and that you are stronger than you think you are.

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